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Monday, January 23, 2012

Super Bowl deja vu

Other than the night the Colts beat the Bears in a torrential downpour, I cannot remember being happier about a Super Bowl outcome than when the New York Giants stunned the undefeated New England Patriots and became Super Bowl XLII champions.
Four years later, we get another go-round, and this time it's right in our backyard.
With the Colts bowing out of playoff contention pretty much the moment the season began, all I was hoping for out of the 2011 season was a good Super Bowl match-up that would have story lines galore in Indianapolis.
Well that's exactly what we have - with Eli Manning, Peyton's little brother, attempting to defend the house his brother built against his brother's biggest rival, one Tom Brady and the New England Patriots.
Can Eli outdo Peyton by winning a second Super Bowl in a stadium with a poster of Peyton on the front?
Will the Patriots avenge a four-year grudge against the very team that prevented their perfection of 2007?
And will Indianapolis, America's best mid-size town, prove that it was a good choice to host the Super Bowl.
Let's hope the answers to those questions are: Yes, no, and yes.
Go Giants!