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Monday, August 22, 2011

Movie tour in Chicago

CHICAGO - My friend Ramon comes up with a lot of the ideas for my travels and experiences, and he hit another good one this weekend with a Sunday movie tour. We would spend the day traveling through Chicago and the norh suburbs in search of famous scenes from some of the most popular films with ties to the Windy City.

The first stop was Winnetka, where we would see the famous house from "Home Alone." It looked similar to how it did in 1991 when the movie was released. An article in the Chicago Tribune the very day we went to see the place had it listed as for sale. A woman from across the street was not too pleased with the mass amount of people coming on her block that day.

From there it was to Highland Park, which served as the home of famous scenes of two 1980s classics, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and "Risky Business."

We actually had to go on private propery to see the place where Ferris Bueller allowed his friend's father's car to reverse through glass windows and into a ditch. May be the most memorable site from this movie tour.

Risky Business was right around the corner from Ferris, and the famouns "Old Time Rock n Roll" scene took place inside those very walls.

We also drove through Lincoln Park to see the site of Child's Play, one of the movies affiliated in the Chucky series. And then, of course, it was Pilgrim Baptist Church, where Jake and Elwood finally saw the light and decided they were "On a Mission From God" to get the band back together.

Of course it wasn't just a movie day - we checked out some of the neighborhoods on one of the busiest days of the year with the Air and Water Show taking place on the lakefront.

The traffic was bad everywhere, especially on I-94 eastbound, but we still saw the Belmont Corridor, Roscoe Village, Lakeview, South Chicago, Pilsen and Bridgeport.

I was also really impressed with McKinley Park, which seems to be a testament in to how the Chicago Park District has improved over the last few years.

Photo: The house from the early 90s hit, Home Alone.

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