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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Random thoughts

I am very glad the New Orleans Saints will be getting punished for carrying out a "bounty" system for three years under former Defensive Coordinator Gregg Williams. I knew they were a dirty team in 2009 when they beat the Colts in the Super Bowl. Williams himself "joked" about how he wanted to take Peyton Manning physically out of the game. People thought he was joking but that may have been part of the plan if things did not go the Saints' way.

I think the Illinois legislatures who reintroduced a bill to make horse slaughter legal again in Illinois should be ashamed. It's animal cruelty and anyone who supports it is either inhumane, emotionally bereft or stands to gain financially from the slaughter of horses.

When a department head - whether any illegal activity has taken place or not - loses the trust of his or her workers, it is time to move on to someone else.

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