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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Election season heating up

One of the most exciting months is that that leads up to a Presidential Election. In addition to the fight for the presidency, many races at the state and local level are interesting as well.
This year, Hurricane Sandy has put an unexpected damper on some of the heated races, including the one for President.
In Indiana, the race between Democrat Joe Donnelly and Republican Richard Mourdock will prove to be a tight battle. It has heated up on a national level as well because of Mourdock's controversial comments regarding rape and abortion. Both candidates were in the La Porte County area today scrambling for votes in Michigan City and La Porte.
The governor race should also be tight between Republican Mike Pence (who is endorsed by the NRA) and Democrat John Gregg, who also campaigned in Michigan City last week. And even though he does not stand a realistic chance to win, Libretarian Rupert Boneham (of Survivor fame) is also a candidate. He will also get my vote, because on my birthday this year he was in Michigan City and signed a picture of himself with the words "Happy Birthday Tim", and gave it to a co-worker of mine who gave it to me.
At the local level, the Green Machine (which is led by super powerful attorney Shaw Friedman) is likely to gain 100 percent control of the County Commissioners if Democrats Vidya Kora and Dave Decker are elected over their Republican challengers Terry Garner and Sharon Kirkham.
The Democrats, in my mind, are likely to sweep the County races - with the only close call coming between Dem. Nancy Hawkins and Rep. Leigh Morris in the treasurer's race.
Although I do not have anything against any of the individuals associated with the Green Machine, machine politics should not exist in any county. People should vote for the candidate or individual they believe will beset serve them, not the party with the money that is able to get you an ill-legitimate garage permit or get your son or daughter a "job" with the county.
That's why Punch 10 voting is wrong and should be outlawed.
Vote for the person. Not the party.

Photo: Democratic Indiana Governor candidate John Gregg speaks to supporters at Ryan's Irish Pub in Michigan City on Saturday, October 27.

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