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Monday, December 31, 2012

Arnold's idea is a good one

Indiana State Sen. Jim Arnold, D- La Porte will propose a state law that would make it illegal to enter Lake Michigan during rip current warrants when the legislative session meets in Indianapolis in January.
Although the water is suppose to be "open to everyone," - enacting this law would be a good thing and could ultimately save a life.
Too often, at least one time every summer, we receive news of someone drowning in the lake because of rip currents. Although warnings are already posted, if people have been planning a day at the beach and in the water, the warnings will not stop them.
If the warnings include a possible criminal charge, they may think twice.
It's impossible to combat all rip current danger. But no one should EVER enter the water in those conditions. This law, in my mind, is a long time coming and I hope it passes.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Stop the violence

Never before has there been a week that has been more trying to people in general. In light of the horrific events that took place in Connecticut today, everyone needs to take a step back and question where we are at in society, and more importantly, where we are heading.
As I was working Wednesday afternoon on Thursday's paper, I was stunned to hear that a man I know, someone who had been a source for me while I was a reporter and had my cell phone number, was being held on a preliminary murder charge at the La Porte County Jail.
John Larkin, whom I first met in 2011 when he was a candidate for the town council in Long Beach, Indiana, is accused to shooting his wife Stacey to death via multiple gun shot wounds. I never thought I would personally know someone who would commit an act like that.
Even though he is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, everyone agrees this is a true tragedy. He will most likely spend the rest of his life in jail and his wife is dead - leaving behind four children under the age of 14.
The family owned a home in Long Beach, and were seemingly well to do. Just goes to show you  you never know when someone is going to lose their mind, and in this case, those four children will be the ones that suffer the most.
After grieving the death of my hamster Laverne and having logistical trouble getting to and from work the last two days, everything was put into further perspective today when the nation heard of the Connecticut shootings. Worse than Columbine. Worse than Virginia Tech. Why would someone target kids? And how could this have been prevented?
My heart goes out to the many families that are being affected by this on a personal level. I could not imagine how hard it would be to live life if my child had been killed in such a senseless manner.
The outpouring of grief across the country has been incredible. I really think we, as a nation, are filled with good people that want to do the right thing. But sometimes, as we have seen during a few instances this week, the right are not always the ones that come out on top. 

Photo: John and Stacey Larkin speak with friends at the 2011 Long Beach Candidate forum. John, 47, is now accused of shooting Stacey, 41, to death in their Long Beach home this week.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Jaykeb is here!

My son, Jaykeb Robert Moran was born on October 14, 2012 at Little Company of Mary Hospital. As of December 10, Jaykeb is still a patient of the Neonatal ICU at Comer Children's Hospital at the University of Chicago.
Weighing 2 pounds, 9 ounces at birth, Jaykeb is now up to 5 pounds, receives 3 liters of oxygen and has been increasingly more alert. Originally in an incubator, he is now in an open bed and can be held at anytime.
Looking forward to bringing him home.