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Monday, December 31, 2012

Arnold's idea is a good one

Indiana State Sen. Jim Arnold, D- La Porte will propose a state law that would make it illegal to enter Lake Michigan during rip current warrants when the legislative session meets in Indianapolis in January.
Although the water is suppose to be "open to everyone," - enacting this law would be a good thing and could ultimately save a life.
Too often, at least one time every summer, we receive news of someone drowning in the lake because of rip currents. Although warnings are already posted, if people have been planning a day at the beach and in the water, the warnings will not stop them.
If the warnings include a possible criminal charge, they may think twice.
It's impossible to combat all rip current danger. But no one should EVER enter the water in those conditions. This law, in my mind, is a long time coming and I hope it passes.

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