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Saturday, December 26, 2009

'It's Complicated' a simple, funny movie

One of my newest hobbies is going to the movie theatre on holidays. I've never been much of a movie-goer, but my interests are expanding and there are a lot of great movies out there.
Last night, I went to see "It's Complicated," starring Merryl Streep and Alec Baldwin. I've always been a fan of comedies, and this, was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. It's the kind of movie where you take the characters somewhat seriously early on, but then you are hit with wacky moments that seem to come out of thin air. The plotline is easy to follow. Although parts of the movie are somewhat pointless, the out-of-line humor is great. The stroy of Baldwin and Streep having an affair years after their divorce was interesting too.
Despite it's title, the movie is quite simple. A bunch of shallow people looking out for their own needs in a number of hilarious ways. Once I saw the preview and found out Steve Martin was in the movie, I knew I was going to have to see it. But Martin wasn't his usual "wild and crazy guy" character. He was one of the more normal characters in the movie. When Steve Martin is the normal character, you know it's going to be a funny movie.
I liked the Alec Baldwin character as the funniest, but I thought all characters contributed to this being possibly the funniest movie of 2009. It's not the funniest movie of all-time, but one of the funniest I've seen. After being somewhat bored during "New Moon," when I went to see that on Thanksgiving, it was good to see a movie I could follow and enjoy.

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