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Friday, February 26, 2010

NBA trade deadline thoughts

The team that may have fared the best after the NBA trade deadline may have been the Los Angeles Lakers, who did not make a move. They had the best team in place and sometimes standing pat is the best way to go. They just need to be concerned for the health of their players.
The Lakers' eastern conference counterparts, the first place Cleveland Cavaliers, made a big splash by picking up Antawn Jamison from the Washington Wizards. Clearly Jamison is the best player that was dealt just before the deadline. But so far he has not been as good as he was in Washington. With the Wizards, Jamison was one of the league's most consistent players and one of the hardest workers. He is still a hard worker, but he has had off nights in two games already for the Cavs. It will be interesting to see how he works with LeBron James. I've always been a fan of Jamison. I'm sure he will be a team player and go with whatever role Coach Mike Brown has planned. His main objective is winning a title, and he has a good chance in Cleveland.
Tracy McGrady's career was summed up trade week. First he was dealt to the Knicks. In his first game in NY, he had a monster game but the team lost. In his second game, he got injured. That seems to be the Tracy McGrady story everytime.
The Bulls did some nice things at the deadline, getting rid of Tyrus Thomas and John Salmons. They did not get a real good player in return but it seems like they are going after one of the top free agents this year, possibly adding a Chris Bosh from Toronto.
Right now the Bulls are the sixth seeded team in the East. With the separation between teams 1-4 and 5-8 being so vast, it's likely the Bulls' seed won't matter in a first round defeat against Cleveland, Orlando, Boston or Atlanta.
Now that the NFL is gone, I can't wait for the NBA playoffs. It's the next best thing and only a month and a half away. The Lakers and Cleveland seem to be on a collision course for the Finals. That would be a dream match-up, but don't count out some of the other contenders.
The Magic and Celtics have experience and could give Cleveland a rn for their money. The Hawks are young and talented and could be the sleeper out east.
In the west, the Jazz are on a roll and the Denver Nuggets will play inpired for two reasons: 1. George Karl battling throat cancer and 2. Chauncey Billups always plays inspired.
It will probably be LA-Cleveland, but it will be a fun couple of months finding out.

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