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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pro Bowl not likely a success

There is a problem with the NFL Pro Bowl. Even though Commissioner Roger Goodell called the new format, in which the game is played the week prior to the Super Bowl, a success, the game really seemed like a waste of time.
The decision to play the game a week before the Super Bowl ensured that some of the games biggest stars like Peyton Manning and Drew Brees would not get to play since they have the Super Bowl this week. What kind of All-Star game does not include players from the best teams? Either play the game after the season (anti-climactic) or not at all.
The game was also played at the same stadium as the Super Bowl a week later. This was done clearly to generate more media coverage for the event since they would only have to arrive a few days earlier to cover the game. But why not preserve the field for the biggest game of the year? Instead, they roughed it up with a meaningless contest. Not to mention that media day was held inside partly to the field being worked on. 
I like the idea of having the AFC and NFC name players as Pro Bowlers, but the actual game has little meaning. Does anyone really have a strong attachment to the NFC or AFC? Is anyone in the country seriously cheering for either of the teams? The players themselves do not even care. 
Growing up I loved the idea of the Pro Bowl. The best players playing the best sport. Having the game in Hawaii after the Super Bowl became somewhat a tradition. It is the only logical way, regardless of how little attention it gets after the big game. It always signaled the end of football. 
The NFL also forced the Saints and Colts to send their pro bowlers to Miami for the game even though their teams weren't leaving until Monday. Why take away the thrill of going to the Super Bowl with your team away? Just to put on a better dog and pony show?
The game is going to be a joke either way, let's not mess with the Super Bowl teams' preparations. If they do keep it the way it is, do not force the AFC or NFC champion to participate. The Super Bowl is more important and there is nothing that is going to change that. 

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