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Friday, April 2, 2010

Movie Review: Dumb and Dumber

It had probably been ten years since I last saw the 1990s hit comedy film Dumb and Dumber, starring Jim Carey and Jeff Daniels. But watching it two nights ago made it seem like it had only been a week. I knew the famous lines, what was about to happen and all the foreshadowing.
Who could forget the orange and blue suits, getting your tongue stuck to the ski lift, so you're saying there's a chance' or selling a dead bird to a blind kid.
The movie was, as it states in its title, very dumb. Too dumb at times. And very immature. You cannot help but laugh at some of the situations Harry and Lloyd get into and how they manage to accidentally bail themselves out. In all of the movies I've seen, it would be hard for me to name a character with less logic than either of those two. At the same time, it would be hard to think of a luckier one too.
I thought the film was written very well. Everything fit together. It is a film that you can watch over and over and pick up something new every time. There was an intriguing story line behind all the absurdity. It was easy to follow and you found yourself rooting for Harry and Lloyd in their pointless quest that turned out to be so much more than it should have.
Dumb and Dumber was not one of the greatest movies ever made, but it was certainly one of the most memorable.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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