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Friday, April 9, 2010

Movie Review: My Cousin Vinny

I have to admit that if it had not been for one of my favorite episodes of Seinfeld, I probably would never have rented My Cousin Vinny the other night. I'm so glad I did. Although I have only watched it twice, I would rank it among my favorite movies of all-time.
The key to a great movie is having the audience focused at all times. With so many movies that have boring story lines, it is easy to get distracted. Too many take too long to get to the point and put you to sleep.
But that was not the case with My Cousin Vinny. The storyline? Perfect. Two teenage New York boys driving through Alabama accidentally steal a can of tuna. While believing they are confessing to the minor theft, the police are coming up with a murder case against them. When they find out they are being tried for murder, one of the defendants hires their cousin for their council. The problem is, he is mainly a personal injury lawyer and has no experience at murder trials.
Despite all the evidence to their guilt, we know these boys are innocent and root for them throughout the movie.
The movie was hilarious. It had a captivating story line and kept you interested throughout. It had a feel-good ending. Joe Peschi and Marisa Tomei were at their best.
And who couldn't love the guy who played Herman Munster acting as the judge in the case.
I'm glad I finally got a chance to see this movie and look forward to seeing it again sometime.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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