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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

TV Review: Cheers

The bar where everybody knows your name is the setting for the second greatest television show of all time.
When Cheers debuted on NBC in 1982, it was nearly cancelled because the ratings were so low. After one season, the sitcom ranked 200th out of 200 in the Neilson Rankings. Eleven years later, it became known as one of the greatest sitcoms of all-time.
Although the cast changed after what seemed like after every season, no television show in history had a core characters that were as relate able as the Cheers gang. Sam and Diane were classic opposites, feeding off each other like no other television tandem. I did prefer the Kirstie Alley episodes because Rebecca's character was simply funnier than Diane's. The show got funnier each year as the fans grew with the characters.
My favorite episode is still the Sky Diving one, where Sam, Norm and Cliff end up jumping out of an airplane. It was well written and the character development was awesome.
Because it was a 1980s show, it lacked the outrageous comedy that a lot of current shows have. It's amazing to see how much more conservative things were then. You couldn't get away with the same story lines back then.
The show is still referred to today, 17 years after the final episode in 1993. It will always be known as the bar "where everybody knows your name." Not many shows have the long lasting impact on people's memories as this one.
The know-it-all mailman, the naive bartender from Indiana, the Ladies Man, the out of work accountant, the waitress and mother of seven and the issue ridden psychologist combined to give you a group to fall in love with. You could relate to them. And their problems were odd enough to make you feel better about your day.
One of the best parts of the show was the setting. Regular people hanging out in a Boston bar, isn't that what a sitcom is?
I had a chance to visit the Cheers replica bar and the original, the Bull and Finch Pub, in Boston in 2003. I will make sure to pay a return visit to the sites the next time I visit Bean Town.

18 years in the making

CHICAGO - Some fans went to great lengths to celebrate the Hawks' win Sunday. This fan holds a home made "Stanley Cup" while leaning out of a car on Madison and Ashland. The Blackhawks had recently completed a four-game sweep of the San Jose Sharks, defeating them 4-2 in the fourth game blocks away at the United Center. 

Blackhawks sweep way to Cup final

CHICAGO - It's hard for Chicago sports fans to even believe, but the Chicago Blackhawks are in the Stanley Cup Finals. 
Just three years ago, the Hawks were one of the worst franchises in sports. It was easy to get a ticket, but nobody wanted to go to a game. In 2006, the team gave the college radio station I worked at 30 free tickets to a game against the Dallas Stars in return for any air time at all. None of the major sports stations would discuss the Hawks. They were irrelevant. We couldn't even give all 30 tickets away. We opened the phone lines and said "The first person to call this station, wins two tickets." But no one bit. I went to the game that night and the stadium was more than half empty. 
So how have things changed since? Well now they are the talk of the town. The most talented team in hickey with a brighter future than perhaps any club in all of professional sports.   
I went down to the west side with my father and a friend on Sunday to watch the Hawks battle the San Jose Sharks in Game Four of the Western Conference final from Billy Goat Tavern, just a couple blocks east of the Madhouse. My plan was to watch the game near the stadium that day regardless of how the series was going for the team. My luck was that they were already up 3-0 and they had a chance to sweep. I had a chance to see a celebration. 
Game Four will be remembered forever. Duncan Keith lost seven teeth, but four shifts later, he reentered the game. San Jose took a 2-0 lead, but the Hawks evened it up pretty quickly late in the second and had all the momentum heading into the third. 
Before the final period began, I remember predicting that the Hawks would win 4-2, getting a goal with six minutes to go and then an empty netter with 30 seconds to play.
Probably the best prediction I have ever made in my life. And I doubt I will even come nearly that close to accuracy again. The Hawks went ahead with a Dustin Byfuglien power play goal with 5 minutes, 55 seconds left in the game. The empty netter came with 42 seconds to go. I guess I was off by five seconds and 12 seconds, respectively. 
The Blackhawks are the perfect example of how it's possible to resurrect a franchise from apparent hopelessness to great promise. True Hawks fans should savor this run. They have four more wins to get, but the Flyers should not be too much of a threat. Barring an upset, this will be the Hawks' first Stanley Cup title since 1961. 49 years, the biggest drought in the sport. 
Two years ago, we wondered if this team would ever return to the big stage. Two weeks from now, we could be planning a parade down State Street. 
Go Hawks!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Alwood's start lifts Maroons

FORSYTH - For a team that has been involved in slugfests all year round, it was nice to see the Clinton Maroons baseball team get a win with only five hits in their most important game of the season Tuesday. The Maroons received timely hits from Jordan Good and Ashton Tedrick to build a 6-1 lead over Maroa-Forsyth and withstood a late Trojan rally to preserve a 6-4 victory. 
David Alwood pitched five innings and was the winning pitcher. It had been his first start of the 2010 season. 
"David wanted a chance to start at some point this year, but I don't think he was expecting it to come on the first day of regionals," Clinton head coach John Hickman said. "But we had talked about it Friday and Saturday and everyone seemed on board with it. He had the freshest arm among all of our starters."
A few fielding errors forced the Maroons to use Aaron Ennis in relief. Ennis did a fine job pitching almost two innings and recording the save. 
Tedrick's two-run double in the top of the fifth put Clinton up by five, giving them a cushion they would need against a Trojan team that has proven they can come back. 
The Maroons also played well the following day in their 5-1 regional semifinal loss to Central Catholic Wednesday. Josh Merrick pitched well, but Clinton could not come up with the timely hits they did Tuesday night in Forsyth. 
Clinton will play again on Memorial Day, May 31 at Busch Stadium in St. Louis. Their opponent will be Hudsonville High School. 

Indoor Football excitement

BLOOMINGTON - One of the most exciting sports finishes I have ever witnessed occurred last Friday, May 14, at the U.S. Cellular Coliseum in Bloomington. The Indoor Football League (IFL) conference game between the visiting Chicago Slaughter and the host Bloomington Extreme went back and forth much of the way, with no team taking an advantage of more than nine points. 
The exciting finish was shaping up with less than two minutes remaining and Chicago trailing by six, 30-24, with the ball. They drove down the Extreme' one-yard line with less than a minute to go. Despite many fans urging the Extreme to let Chicago score, they stood tough on defense, forced a fumble, and returned it to midfield. 
With 50 seconds to go and up by six, all Bloomington had to do was take two knees and victory would be theirs. But on the ensuing handoff, the quarterback fumbled and Chicago recovered. The Slaughter then drove down the field in three plays and scored a touchdown to tie the game. The extra point to win? Missed. 
Still with 10 seconds to go and a short field, the Extreme set up the game-winning field goal with six seconds left. Peter Christifilakos was perfect on the attempt, but two seconds remained. 
The Slaughter returned the following kick and attempted too many laterals to count. Flags were all over the field because most of them were forward passes. The game was finally over and Bloomington had prevailed 33-30. 
If there were an NFL finish like that, it would have had to be the game of the year. 
What hurt the Slaughter most was the penalties, but that seems to be their approach. The team completely fits the personality of their head coach, Steve "Mongo" McMichael. Winning almost comes second t o them. First off, they need to make their statement and if a few players on the opposing team get injured in the process, so be it. 
It costs $15 to get a good seat to the Extreme game and I would say, because of the exciting finish, it was worth it. But I would not want to pay that much for a blowout game in the IFL. Not a bad decision to check it out though. For football fans like myself, you need to watch something in the long NFL off-season. 

Photo: A Bloomington Extreme receiver dives for the ball during the team's 33-30 win over the Chicago Slaughter Friday, May 14. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Three Cents

Cheaters, Cicadas, and Expansion

1. Cushing still wins ROY - So Houston Texans rookie linebacker Brian Cushing won the Defensive Rookie of the Year award, then was found to have tested positive for a banned substance during the season, but held on to the award despite a revote of Associated Press writers. This, more than any other situation, proves that it is far more acceptable for football players to use PEDs as compared to baseball players. Cushing will be suspended for four games, which is good if you are a Colts fan like me. But the fact that he won the revote is ridiculous. He wasn't by far the best defensive rookie out there anyway. And why have a revote anyway? History should not be rewritten. If it was a baseball player that did what he did, people would talk nonstop on how he "disgraced the game." But the same people will say that football is not stats based, it is winning based, so cheating is fine. 
Cheating is cheating. No matter the sport. And to tell you the truth, more people care about football than baseball so cheating in that sport should be looked at as as bad if not worse. 

2. It is called the Big Ten... - The latest reports are that the Big Ten Conference, which already has an extra team, has sent out invitations to Notre Dame, Rutgers, Missouri and Nebraska to join the league. Is this necessary? What makes the Big Ten believe they are the prime conference in America. Where do they get off stealing teams from the Big 12 and the Big East? And do they actually think Notre Dame is going to give up their TV deal to share it with 15 other teams? It is called the Big Ten for a reason. There should only be ten teams. I understand the Penn State expansion, but why is there a need to break tradition and ruin rivalries from other conferences. For the most part, teams should stay in their own conference. It is better to build long standing rivalries instead of jumping around. If this expansion occurs, the league could have 16 teams by 2014. The Big 16? Too many. That's as many as the NFC and the AFC. Enough of it. 

3. The Phoenix Cicadas? - The Phoenix Suns are on an impressive playoff run, knocking out Portland and San Antonio in quick fashion in the first two rounds. In Game Two against the Spurs, the team donned "Los Suns" jerseys (even though the correct spanish word for sun is "Sol"). They may want another name change for their upcoming conference finals series against the favored Los Angeles Lakers. My choice? The Cicadas? Why? Cicadas show up in different part of the country every 17 years. They were in Chicago's Beverly community, for example, in 1973, 1990 and most recently in 2007. If the Suns pull an upset and knock off the Lakers, they will qualify for the NBA Finals for the first time since 1993, 17 years ago. That year, Charles Barkley and the Suns were making the team's first finals appearance since 1976, 17 years prior to that. Can Steve Nash and Amare Stoudemire propel Phoenix to cicada status? I hope so. I hate the Lakers. 


Both this week's nominations for Classy and Unclassy people of the week played for the Philadelphia Eagles last season.

Classy: Donovan McNabb - The Mount Carmel grad has been a class act his entire career and has had to prove that a number of times. First the Philadelphia fans that booed him on draft day, then Terrell Owens, and now former Eagles teammate DeSean Jackson. Jackson told media this past week that Donovan being gone (to division rival Washington) was no big deal. McNabb classily told reporters that his Eagles' career is in the past and that he had no comment. He took the high road, yet again. I really hop Donovan and the Redskins pound the Eagles when they meet in Philly October 3.

Unclassy: DeSean Jackson: Jackson's comment made no sense, especially from someone who was either all in or all out of games last year for the Eagles. While Jackson led the NFL in TD receptions of over 60 yards, he would rarely get more than three catches a game and was sometimes shutout altogether. The most unpredictable fantasy player ever. He is also known for one of the biggest celebratory blunders of all-time, celebrating a would be touchdown at the five yard line in his rookie year when the Eagles played at Dallas. I guess he forgot that it was McNabb that thew him all those balls. We will see how much he misses McNabb when the unexperienced Kevin Kolb era starts this year.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today in History: Pullman Strike

On this date in...1894 - May 11, 1894: It had been praised as the ideal community, the Utopian village. George Pullman had seemingly solved the problems of industrialization by creating such a village centred on the sleeping railcar industry. People had good living conditions, with rowhouses across town. Everything was going smoothly. Pullman's invention of the sleeping railcar had impressed visitors to the city for the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893. People were living comfortably with the amount they made working for Pullman.
But a financial depression hit nationwide that year. And Pullman sharply cut wages to save money. But he also said that since rents would not increase in a time of flourishment, they should not decrease in a time of recession. People were getting paid less and still had to pay lofty rents.
The workers, with the backing of the American Railway Union and leader Eugene V. Debs, organized a strike on May 11, 1894. The strike only lasted a few months, but the imprisonment of Debs paved the way for him to organize the American Socialist Party. Pullman died a few years later and his town was sold off in 1898 after being deemed "uncompatible with the American spirit."
Pullman tried to make the perfect society, but instead created the company store.
This date in history effectively put the end to the idea of a Utopian society. It also served as a benchmark event of the workers revolution and paved way to the Socialist party.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

This week in History: Haymarket Affair

This week in...1886 - May 4, 1886: May 4 has historically been a day of anarchy and violent protests with the Kent State Massacre and the Haymarket Riot nearly 100 years prior in Chicago. As violent and unjust as the Kent State Massacre had been, they Haymarket Affair was possibly the worst carriage of justice in American history.
The relationship between labor and management was at an all-time low across the county and Chicago was no exception. A number of protests had occurred in the days prior to May 4 with Chicago workers including the ones in the stockyards preaching for the eight-hour work day.
Led by anarchist August Spies, the radicals gathered on May 4 at Haymarket Square on Desplaines Street to stage another rally. At first, it appeared peaceful. In fact, Chicago Mayor Carter Harrison was at the event and left after awhile after telling police not to disrupt the "tame" meeting.
But 178 policemen came anyway and ordered the crowd to disperse after the Mayor left. When confronted, one of the protesters threw a bomb that exploded near the officers. The officers in turn immediately opened fire. Eight died, mostly from their own gunfire. As many as ten civilians were killed.
Even though the person who threw the bomb was never captured, eight people were charged with the act. The citizens couldn't imagine not charging anyone with the act. Four of the eight were hung in the Cook County Jail the following year and one committed suicide. The remaining three were pardoned in 1893. The pardoning ruined the career of Illinois Governor John Peter Altgeld.
Most of the people that were charged and killed because one person threw the bomb were peaceful protesters. Over time, people realized the state was out of line for charging so many people just on loose belief, especially when it is clear that one person threw the bomb.

This week in history: Kent State Massacre

This week in...1970 - May 4, 1970: Fueled by President Nixon's April 30 speech that pledged an increase in American troops being sent to Cambodia, the campus of Kent State University erupted with protesters. After causing much commotion at the Ohio University including the burning down of the campus' ROTC building, Governor James A. Rhodes called the state's National Guard to the campus on May 3. He said he "vowed to use every weapon possible to erradicate the problem."
Another student demonstration occurred on May 4. The National Guard enacted martial law to disperse the crowd, but were met with hostile chants and thrown rocks. With angry students cornering the officers, the National Guard fired their gunfire for 13 consecutive seconds. In all, 61 bullets were fired and four students were killed.
Although 25 students and protesters were charged, all 28 of the National Guardsmen escaped legal blame. The event is remembered as perhaps the most violent Vietnam related event that occurred in the United States.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Game of the Week: Monticello at Clinton (SB)

Although Maroa-Forsyth is only six miles to the south, an argument could be made that the Monticello Sages, and not the Lady Trojans, are the Clinton Lady Maroons’ chief Okaw Valley rival.

Senior and Junior Lady Maroon players remember well how the 2008 and 2009 seasons came to an end.

In 2008, the Lady Maroons were three outs away from winning the regional championship and advancing to the sectional for the first time in four years.

Ace Shelbi Rentmeister was on the mound and Clinton had a one-run lead in the top of the seventh. But Shelbi injured herself in the previous inning and the Sages scored two runs before the Lady Maroons could record an out. Clinton couldn’t get anything going and Monticello celebrated their regional championship on Clinton’s turf.

The two teams met the following year in Monticello for the regional semifinal. The Maroons and Sages may have been the two best teams in the Okaw that year, but it was the Sages walking away with an 11-1 five-inning victory in Rentmeister’s final high school start.

The Lady Maroons look to enact a measure of revenge Thursday night when the Sages invade Clinton.

Perhaps the best Clinton softball moment of the Emily Starkey era came in 2003 when the Sages boasted a 30-0 record before falling to Clinton at home in the final Okaw Valley Championship Game ever played.

These two teams have history. And the next chapter will be written Thursday.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lincoln's center: Springfield, IL

While cruising through the great state of Illinois, you'll find many "Lincoln towns." But no place in the state has more significance to the United States' 16th President than it's capital, Springfield.
I had the chance to visit the State Capital for only the third time in my life Friday when I was invited to the 2009 Illinois Press Association awards luncheon. My experience at the luncheon was a great start to a great day of learning. In addition to winning a First Place award for a Sports Column, I won a Second Place certificate for a Sports Feature.

Although I was in a great mood, the ceremony took a few hours and my tour of Springfield would have to wait until 3 p.m. It would be a mini-tour, but I was determined to learn as much as I could in the few hours I had there.

My original plan was to visit the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. But since two hours are recommended to see the entire museum, I would have to put this off for another time.

After parking in one of the many towers in the city, I made my way to the Visitor Center to see which attractions would be best for someone who only has a couple hours to see the town. The attendant on hand recommended the Old State Capitol building.

I walked the three blocks over to the Old State Capitol, which was in use as the state's political center from 1839-1876. As soon as you walk in, someone will hand you a copy of Abraham Lincoln's final paycheck from the capitol, a $292 sum that was dated from 1840. Entering the capitol is free, although they suggest a donation of $5-10. My favorite part of this historic site was seeing the Hall of Representatives, the very room Lincoln had delivered his "House Divided" speech, one of his most famous.

The building was restored in 1969 and gives you a great old-time feel.

Any Abraham Lincoln fanatic (there are more than you may think) could spend a week in Springfield. Other sites that Lincoln fans or history buffs in general may like to pay a visit to include Lincoln's home, the Lincoln Tomb and the Lincoln-Herndon Law Offices, where he practiced law until he moved to Washington.

I'm glad I finally got the chance to view Springfield as a tourist. I always thought it was odd that I have been to the capital of Indiana over 20 times, but never really got a chance to walk around the capital of my home state.

Before I headed back on I-55 north, I made sure to stop at Springfield's oldest fast food place, the Cozy Dog Drive-In. Called the original fast food place on Rt. 66, Cozy Dog has been a Springfield staple since 1950. I originally heard about the place on the Travel Channel, where Adam and the Man v. Food crew visited the joint. A cozy dog is a giant corn dog. The food was nothing special, but the place was. It had a great 1950s or 60s feel with old Illinois licence plates and Rte. 66 memorabilia all over the walls. It is smoker friendly too. Although it is illegal to smoke at all Illinois food places, those who wish can wait for the food while smoking in their cars and the waitress will bring it out to you.

Springfield is a Rt. 66 town, as many I-55 towns are. Centrally located in the state, all Illinois residents should make a point of visiting this place. It's full of history and I hope to return soon.
Photo: The Old State Capitol, located at Sixth and Adams Sts. in Springfield.