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Friday, August 6, 2010

Classy/Unclassy: Colt loyalty

This week's edition of Classy/Unclassy comes from the world of professional football. 

Classy: Reggie Wayne - Not surprisingly, I pick a Colt. After going through much of the NFL off-season planning to hold out of training camp unless he gets a new contract, Wayne showed up the first day and has been practicing with the team since. Asked by reporters why he decided to show up considering the Colts did not restructure his deal, Wayne told them he had already let the team down once (in the Super Bowl) and that he did sign a contract that he has to live up to. 
Without a doubt, Wayne deserves a restructured deal, but his approach couldn't have been more team-oriented. He said he was going to be there for his teammates and the good of the club. That's the best way to get a restructured deal anyway. If the owner sees that you are loyal and will put the team above your own needs, how could they not give you a better deal?
A classy wide receiver from the U? Yep. 

Unclassy: Brett Favre - It's the same story year after year after year. Favre isn;t sure if he is going to play, but in reality, all he wants to do is show up two weeks before the regular season starts. And his Vikings teammates and coaches are letting him do it. The old gunslinger doesn;t want any part of the team training camp atmosphere. He wants to show up just to continue his consecutive game streak. He also likes being in the headlines, so he will make up a rumor every week or so saying that it's a done deal that he is retired. And even if he is retiring, he is still unclassy because you should let your team know that before August. 
Unclassy? For sure. But intriguing as well. The league is more interesting with Favre in it. And missing camp last year didn't effect his ability to have the greatest year of his Hall of Fame NFL career. 

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