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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Discrepancy at Dayton memorial

DAYTON, Ohio - On my way home from Washington, DC, my father, my friend and I decided to stop in Dayton, Ohio, as it was one of the major cities right off of I-70 east of Indiana.
While driving through the city, we came across a part that had a Korean War Memorial. We decided to stop there since the Korean War Memorial was one of the few things we did not get a chance to see that week in the nation's capital.
The Dayton memorial was great, with a pathway leading to a statue. On the pathway were the names of the fallen United States soldiers, organized by state.
My father was the first to notice a huge mistake when looking at the list of Illinois soldiers. The first indication something went wrong was that there were only about 30 names mentioned when Indiana had hundreds and tiny District of Columbia had a little over 100. How could Illinois have less than any other state considering it has always been one of the most populous states?
Well all the names listed under Illinois began with either an "A', a "B", or a "Y." The rest of the entire alphabet had been left out.
Few people would have noticed this because the Korean War Memorial in Dayton, Ohio isn't exactly the first place most Americans would go to honor the fallen soldiers of that war. In fact we came upon it on accident.
But it should be pointed out to whoever is in charge of the park and adjustments, no matter how inconvenient, must be made for the betterment of accuracy and to honor ALL of Illinois' casualties during the war, not just the ones with the A,B, or Y last names.

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