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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Drive off in Michiana Shores?

Before yesterday, I had never witnessed someone pump gas and drive off. I know it happens a lot, but I just never witnessed one first hand until yesterday afternoon. And the place I saw it was the last I'd ever think of, the small Lake Michigan community of Michiana Shores.
I was in line at the Marathon-Next Door Store waiting to pay for the hot dog I had just made. That's when a teenager who looked like someone that would try to rob you, came into the store, with a lit cigarette, complaining to the cashier that pump 7 was turned off while he was pumping gas.
The cashier told the punk that he has to pay the balance before the pump can be turned on again.
"I just wanted to fill it up and I don't know how much that would be. I just got this car," the kid told the store worker.
The casher replied, "You also aren't allowed to smoke at the pump, that's why I had to turn it off.
So the kid went back outside, with the cigarette, while I paid for my hot dog.
As I was outside, I saw his beat up old car drive off, while the cashier yelled on the speaker system"PUMP 7 YOU DIDN'T PAY!"
The car drove off on some back road and got away with the 18 dollars and 37 cents. As I was leaving I looked inside the store and the cashier was on the phone.
Why did she allow him to leave the store at all without paying the $18.37? And furthermore, why does Indiana allow you to pump gas before you pay? I thought that was a thing of the past (even though in Central Illinois, you aren't even allowed to prepay at certain Casey's General Stores).
After all the time I've spent in some of the bad neighborhoods of Chicago and around the country, I never thought the first drive-off I'd see would occur in Michiana Shores. Mind boggling for sure.

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