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Thursday, October 28, 2010

2010 a mediocre season for the NFL

I have always been a proponent of parody. The reason I like the NFL more than any other major professional sport is that it gives every team a legitimate chance of competing week in and week out. It also provides hope for fans of a team that finished 5-11 that a playoff bound year could follow. 
But 2010 has shown me that too much parody may not be a good thing. Probably because there just isn't a great team out there. The 1972 Dolphins were celebrating by early October, every team had at least one loss. 
The Colts are clearly not what they have been, despite a positive 4-2 record. Other than maybe the Packers, the injury bug has plagued the horseshoe more than any other club. Outside of Peyton Manning, Dwight Freeney, Robert Mathis and Reggie Wayne, every key Colt player has had to deal with some health issue and more than half of them have missed games. Even the usually durable Dallas Clark is going to be out for the rest of the season because of surgery. 
Watching the Bears is just punishment. Even though they are 4-3, they manage to be involved with the worst football game of the week all the time. Maybe the defenses are good, but I think it's just struggling offenses across the board. 
I guess the Steelers, Jets and Patriots have established themselves as the best teams because they only have one loss on the season. But the winner of the NFC may be average at best. 
One thing about football is that it is still fun to watch even when the quality is low. But I am hoping things pick up, not just for the Colts, but for the whole league. 

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