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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Glavin purchase put on hold

HARBERT - The Glavin Property, located in between Chikaming Township Hall and the River Valley Senior Center in Chikaming Township, will remain under the same ownsership, at least for now.

A special meeting scheduled between the Chikaming Township Board and the Park Board regarding the township's possible acquisition of the Glavin Property, was scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 27, but cancelled two days earlier. Park Board secretary/treasurer Brad Williamson cited a pair of circumstances for the meeting's cancellation.

"It was a combination of the seller's asking price and the new Michigan Natural Resource Trust fund acquisition grant law that requires us to provide 40 percent matching funds for a grant," Williamson said. "We could have handles either one alone, but the decision was to put it on hold."

The park board will continue to work on developing Harbert Park with or without the grant, but Williamson said the board is hopeful someone in the township would purchase the property and donate the land to the township.

"The current price is $280,000," he said. "For some of these people that's not a lot of money and there is precedent for people buying and donating property to the park."

He added that the precedent was a number of local buyers bought and donated a portion of the Chikaming Park and Preserve near Warren Woods Road.

Photo: Chikaming Park Board member Dan Buckenmeyer laces up the skates before the grand opening of the Harbert Park rink on Friday, Jan. 28.

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