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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Preparing for the big one

From all accounts, Chicago and Northwest Indiana/Southwest Michigan is hours away from the biggest snow storm since at least 1999, and possibly worse than the one that crippled the city in 1967.
Meteorologists are predicting somewhere in between 18 and 24 inches of snow. In 1967, I believe the city of Chicago had 23 inches accumulated, so if we do get two feet this year it will be a recorded record.
Never before have I experiences such a storm as a driver, as he 19 inches we had in 1999 came before I was old enough to get my license. Because of that, I am hoping this does not live up to the hype. Snow is fine until you have to drive in it. I don't mind the constant shoveling, but when you have no choice but to drive to the places you need to be, it can be dangerous.
But no matter how bad it gets, I hope everyone knows not to go super fast on the road. We need to be in this together and try not to kill anyone.
I am all for historical occurrances and breaking the record, but in this case, at the end of the year - I just hope we can still talk about 1967 as the worst winter storm in Midwest history and not the 2011.

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